How to Get the Most Out of Your Instagram


When you’re thinking about making the switch to Instagram, you may be wondering what to expect from the free photo-sharing app. There are several reasons to consider this popular social media platform. You can find a large variety of photos and videos to share, and the direct messaging feature encourages originality and creativity. But do you want to jump straight into using the app? Here are some tips to make your Instagram experience worth it. You’ll be surprised to see just how much you’ll enjoy using it!

It’s a free photo and video sharing app

Instagram is a free photo and video sharing application that allows users to share their photos and videos. The app has 24 filters and additional editing features, such as straightening an image, applying a filter, or overlaying color. Users can also disable audio and choose a cover frame to display their posts. In addition to its extensive editing features, Instagram allows users to add text comments, caption their photos, and tag geographical locations.

It has a direct messaging system

If you’ve been wondering how to send private messages through Instagram, here’s a quick guide. First, tap the “+” symbol. This will bring up your inbox. You can send messages to multiple people at once. After you’ve sent a message, you can reply by replying to the first one or by deleting the last one. Unlike in other social networking apps, messages sent through Instagram are private. You can’t tag anyone in them, but your followers can see what you’ve sent. And since the messages don’t appear on hashtag or location pages, they’re not public.

It has an algorithm that determines photo order

Instagram’s algorithm determines which photos show up in the first position in the feed, based on a number of factors. For example, your account is influenced by which accounts you follow. If you follow a lot of people, your post might not appear as frequently. If you follow only a handful of people, you might get a few new pictures every day. However, if you’re a regular user, you’ll see a few of your posts appear more often than you’d like.

It encourages creative originality

Social media platforms such as Instagram encourage creative originality. As one of the largest social networks, Instagram has the potential to influence our creative thinking. Fashion brands have been running creative campaigns on Instagram. This study aims to explore the consequences of brand publications on Instagram, based on the S-O-R framework. We found that brand publications in Instagram were associated with generating creative perceptions and positive emotions among followers, as well as influencing their affective commitment and interaction intentions. The data was collected from the Instagram accounts of 808 followers of a fashion brand.

It has censorship of women’s bodies

With the recent changes to its policy, Instagram has come under fire for its censorship of women’s bodies. It includes a “no-nipple clause,” and the company’s tone is shameful and degrading toward women. Moreover, the social network also restricts the use of photos of a woman’s unnippled breasts, which makes them less appealing to many women.